Monday, November 7, 2016

"Flat Earth Set" Quote of the Day

"It wasn’t really a coalition of angry working-class voters that led Trump’s flat-earth crusade. It was a coalition of angry rich media figures who know, even if they are wrong, there is a lot of money to be made denying reality. It’s Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Steve Bannon, Rush Limbaugh, and the usual carnival barkers, most of whom are too smart to believe their own nonsense. But they have made fortunes peddling bile and prejudice and the market continues to be good." -- former Romney campaign chief strategist Stuart Stevens in a column today.  Of course, he could have added 40 years of his own Party's dog whistle bigotry and pandering to the lowest common denominator for partisan advantage (see St. Ronnie of Hollywood's "States rights" speech in Mississippi in 1980). While Stevens is right to call out the scum of the right wing, they were facilitated constantly by "establishment" Rethuglicans who were too power hungry or who lacked the spine to oppose them.