Beyond the miasma that is right- wing "fake news," our elite mainstream, "liberal" media is also enabling the corruption of American democracy by assiduously downplaying the emerging conflicts of interest scandals of neo- fascist con artist Donald "Rump" Trump. As this tweet points out, the "liberal" New York Effing Times made just such a decision yesterday on what was "important" for its readers to know:
(click on image to enlarge)
Here's the NY Times front page today. That blockbuster about Trump taking business meetings during transition? It ran on page A20.— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) November 20, 2016
BONUS: Notice the lower left column article: Rump son- in- law Jared Kushner is a "steadying hand?" Do they mean the guy who is "leading the infighting" on the transition, pursuing a vendetta against Gov. Chris "Krispykreme" Christie and his original transition team? That's one helluva beat- sweetening gambit, intrepid reporters (one whom is Rump- curious and boo- averse Maggie "Miss Manners" Haberman)! Thus begins the process of members of the elite media selling their souls for access.
Sic transit gloria, America.
UPDATE: The latest conflict of interest/ shakedown by Trump, Inc., that you won't hear or read about in the "mainstream media."
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