From Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine:
."..Trump does not represent the future. He only barely represents its present. His party controls all three branches in large part because its voters are overrepresented in the House, the Senate, and the Electoral College. He represents a rage against the direction of America they have no way of stopping. Even a complete halt to all of illegal immigration and a total deportation of every undocumented immigrant will not prevent the growth of nonwhites into an eventual majority. Republicans are increasingly focused on voter suppression and other anti-democratic measures to allow their shrinking cohort to rule. Trump is the perfect champion of their project.From Twitter:
But I do not believe they will win, at least not over the long run. As the shock of a Trump presidency set in, I told my children Tuesday night that I did not want to hear anything about fleeing. We are not going anywhere. And the America I have raised them to believe in will one day prevail." (emphasis added)
We fight on. For equality. For inclusion. For opportunity. For justice. For science. This is not a defeat. It is a call to arms.— Bradley Whitford (@WhitfordBradley) November 9, 2016
However this ends, that's where we begin.— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) November 9, 2016
If you need help explaining to your kids that your president is bad guy and that opposing him is patriotic, I have some experience...— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) November 9, 2016
Congratulations to all the hardworking Americans who wanted the wealthiest Americans to get a bigger tax cut than W gave.— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) November 9, 2016
Now it doesn't look very good, does it? But giving up is not an option. The world needs a decent, democratic America, or we're all lost 6/— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 9, 2016
Go through all stages tonight.
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) November 9, 2016
You are allowed to feel however you like.
Take stock of your heart.
See you tomorrow.
We are all still here.
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