Thursday, January 5, 2017

Down The Memory Hole With Our Elite Media

Here's the once great Washington Post's Bezos Bugle's Dana Milbank reporting on President Obama's visit to the Capitol yesterday to urge, among other things, that Democrats resist efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and on one reporter's demonstration of severe memory loss (our emphasis):
“Mr. President,” bellowed CNN’s Ted Barrett, “do you regret you didn’t work more closely with Republicans when you crafted Obamacare?
Here's something Ted "Baxter" Barrett might want to read, if he has the attention span.

But, just a few paragraphs earlier, here's Milbank himself on the past election:
... Americans thought the country was on the wrong track, and voters demanded change. They rejected Obama’s handpicked successor in favor of the man who led the campaign challenging Obama’s legitimacy as a natural-born American.  
Yes, voters "rejected Obama's handpicked successor."  You remember that election we had about two months ago, right?  "Obama's handpicked successor":  65,844,610 (48.2%); Cheeto Benito: 62,979,636 (46.1%).  Rejected!

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