Thursday, January 5, 2017

Have A Ball, Just Not So Close

We saw this video over at Mock Paper Scissors, in which a group that calls themselves "Gays For Trump" is promoting their inaugural ball. Aside from the self-loathing that is inherent in a group that supported the candidate of anti-LGBTQ Talibangelists (Tony Perkins, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, etc.), not to mention Mike "Dense" Pense, it's interesting that the ball won't be held in Washington, D.C., where the major balls are occurring (Hyatt Regency, National Portrait Gallery, Hay-Adams Hotel, etc.). It's being held in Potomac, MD, well outside Washington. Which is where "Gays For Trump" will be in neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's right-wing administration: well outside.