Thursday, January 5, 2017

Obamacare vs. "I-Don't-Care" Cartoon of the Day

 (click on image to enlarge)

Congressional Rethuglicans know their careers are on the line if they don't move on repealing the Affordable Care Act. They've made too many passionate promises to their raging, misinformed base to pull back from repeal. But they face a major dilemma in not having a shred of an alternative to propose -- despite six years in control of the House and Senate -- that would protect the many millions of Americans receiving health insurance for the first time under the ACA. Also, their "repeal first, replacement later" position would cause havoc not only in peoples' lives, but in the health insurance market, and for hospitals and medical professionals. True to form, of course, the Rethugs are looking for ways to blame any fallout from their actions on President Obama and the Dems.

(cartoon: Steve Benson, via

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