Tuesday, January 3, 2017

NBC News Credibility Last Seen Circling The Drain

With former Fox "News" propagandists Gretchen Carlson guest hosting on NBC's "Today" show (and soon to be writing for Time!), and Greta VanSusteren said to be joining MSNBC (which already devotes three precious hours each morning to Trump pals Squint and the Meat Puppet), NBC News -- parent conglomerate, Comcast -- seems well on its way to edging out CNN as the new Fox Lite.  Well, the latest hire confirms the downward spiral:
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly is leaving the cable network for a role at NBC News. 
In a statement Tuesday on her Facebook page, Kelly said, "I have decided to end my time at FNC, incredibly enriched for the experiences I've had."
"Enriched..." Hmm, o.k..

Here, courtesy of Raw Story, are some of Kelly's more ridiculous/ inflammatory moments from recent years, just in case you think this is a vanilla hire (no pun intended).

Look, we get that Kelly is smart.  We get that she's accomplished. But we also get that she's built her career at Bullshit Mountain with Roger Ailes, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, lying and distorting and race- baiting with the worst of them. Journalist? Nah. Self- serving Republican hack? More like it.

BONUS:  Media Matters augments the story of NBC/MSNBC's decline.

(Photo:  Serious journalist!)


  1. I bet Roger Ailes had that photo pinned up in his office and closed the door when he looked at it.
