Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday Collection Plate (UPDATED)

Progressive organizations will need your help in the coming months and years to push back on the reactionary and un-American policies that will be coming out of the Trump White House, the Rethuglican Congress, and Rethugs at the state and local levels. As a regular feature, we're linking to several organizations that will do just that, and encourage you to contribute to them generously.

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Planned Parenthood

Emily's List

Natural Resources Defense Council

American Civil Liberties Union

Southern Poverty Law Center

Union of Concerned Scientists

Thank you!

UPDATE:  See FOB P.E.C.'s recommendations in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to do monthly automatic payments - I recommend it!

    And, to make it easier to make my voice heard on a regular basis I printed out all the contact information for my representatives on Capitol Hill - I recommend that , too. P.E.C.
