Saturday, February 11, 2017

Another Bad Week For "President Man-Baby"

On his show last night, Bill Maher took "President Man-Baby" apart in his opening monologue, which covered just a few of the recent major idiocies of his 3-week old car wreck of an administration. Everything from Japanese Prime Minister Abe's eye-roll after a looonnnng handshake from Man-Baby, to the ethical issues with fashion consultant Kellyanne "Orwellyanne" Conway and Russian whisperer Michael "Jack D. Ripper" Flynn, to Man-Baby's habit of signing (President) Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon's cocktail napkins as executive orders. There was dig at his twitter war with Nordstrom's, over their business decision to drop "daughter-wife" Ivanka's clothing, which he was apparently conducting while receiving an intelligence briefing. Comedy gold, if all of this wasn't so perilous to our democracy.

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