Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Paranoid Cry Baby Nazi Petrified Of Getting Arrested

Tuff Nazi then (the douche wearing the "Radical Agenda" tee), featured starting around 2:20:

Tuff Nazi now:

The master race, ladies and gentlemen. Really this just proves they're scared little creeps.

You want to be a racist, anti- Semitic Nazi, you pay the price, you sniveling little asshole.


  1. This is wonderful. There's nothing like a nazi armed to the teeth and talking flippantly about people getting killed all the time suddenly weeping and sniffing (cocaine maybe?) when he suddenly finds out he's in trouble. You should have told me to make a big bowl of popcorn first.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. Crank - thanks for the drop in! Yeah, it's quite interesting to see these bullies unmasked isn't it? Next time, we'll do an advisory re the popcorn!
