Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Trump Folds Business Advisory Councils As Members Flee

Making sure they're not the last ones that have to turn out the lights on the Trump regime:
As CEOs of major corporations began fleeing President Trump’s two business advisory councils yesterday to protest his remarks on the neo-Nazi violence in Virginia, Trump disbanded both groups. 
“Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!” Trump tweeted. 
A few minutes earlier, the 16 remaining members of the “Strategy and Policy Forum” had unanimously voted to disband, in an emergency conference call convened by its chairman, Stephen Schwarzman, chairman of the investment firm Blackstone Group and one of Trump’s biggest Wall Street supporters. The call was demanded by members of the group who were deeply upset about Trump’s comments at a Tuesday press conference about Charlottesville. Of the 19 business leaders who had been originally named to the group, three had already quit over Trump’s positions on climate change or immigration. 
At least six of the 28 members of the American Manufacturing Council had quit in the days since Trump blamed “many sides” for the deadly violence that erupted in the wake of a “Unite the Right” march enlisting neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. (our emphasis)
That these people even contemplated working with Rump following his campaign of racism, misogyny, lies and derangement will be a stain that will last with them forever.  They sold their souls for the promise of some regulations going away.

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