Thursday, September 7, 2017

Mr. Loyalty

Yesterday's bizarre meeting in the Oval Office to discuss legislation extending the debt ceiling, including a continuing resolution to fund Government, and disaster relief had people scratching their heads. Erratic demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump pulled the rug out from under Squeaker of the House and Ayn Rand acolyte Paul "Lyin'" Ryan and Senate Majority Leader and human/turtle hybrid Mitch "Missy" McConnell when he unexpectedly accepted a 3-month extension proposed by Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. This was just hours after the Rethuglicans had insisted on an 18-month timeframe to put them beyond the 2018 mid-terms and the wrath of the voters.

Rump was apparently pleased to see the stunned looks on the faces of Lyin' and Missy, who have bobbled his "agenda" for 7 months, in no small measure because of his own incompetence. It's being reported that Rump was happy to see positive media coverage (=cough=  Fox & Friends =cough=) of his "bipartisan" deal, despite giving the Dems major leverage in December when the extension expires:
"Trump specifically mentioned TV segments praising the deal and indicated he'd been watching in a call with Schumer, two people said. And he was jovial in a call with Pelosi and agreed to send a tweet she asked for about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, these people said, while also mentioning the attention the deal had gotten. He indicated to both leaders he would be willing to work together again."
His pathological narcissism requires positive media coverage and feedback, and he knows that his cult-like base will follow him off of any cliff, so throwing the Rethug leaders under the bus is unimportant to him. But, knowing Rump's only loyalty is to himself, Dems need to watch for the occasion when they'll be tossed there, too.

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