Americans for Prosperity, the group financed by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, is going on air to attack Virginia Democratic gubernatorial contender Ralph Northam as part of a multi-million dollar campaign. [snip]
Levi Russell, a spokesman for Americans for Prosperity, said the ad buy ranges from $1 million to $2 million, and will run for three weeks. He said the commercial is the first round of paid television advertising, but declined to say how much the organization plans to spend through Election Day in November.Gillespie is tacking far right, going full anti- immigrant in order to recapture support from the nativist Trump base, represented by a sad little splooge named Corey Stewart, a devout Stormtrumper who was beaten by Gillespie in the Republican primary. So far, Gillespie's floundering hasn't dented the average 6 point lead Northam enjoys in most polling. Having the Koch brothers bail him out by going negative against Northam, whose resume is pretty much a politician's dream and who is running with a unified Democratic Party at his back in the Commonwealth, is totally in character with the weasel.
That's because Gillespie is a typical swamp Republican: well- heeled lobbyist (for Enron among others), former Republican National Committee chairstool, counselor to George Dumbya Bush, and reputed money launderer for Jack Abramoff (allegedly!). That's quite a resume! No wonder he Koch brothers are throwing money into the race.
If you're of a mind to find out more about Ralph Northam and/or donate, you can go here.
(Photo: Is that a weasel or Ed Gillespie? Trick question! It's both!)
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