Rethuglican hack and smear merchant Roger "The Dodger" Stone appeared yesterday before the House Intelligence Committee to answer questions about his role in coordinating Russian interference in the 2016 elections. But the answer to the most important question of who was his intermediary in working with Russian cut-outs like WikiLeaks went unanswered:
"Stone has claimed he only communicated with founder Julian Assange via an intermediary when WikiLeaks was mounting its campaign against Hillary Clinton. But after his three-hour, closed-door session with the committee, Stone told reporters he had declined to identify his claimed go-between."It's almost certain that his go-between was connected to Russian intelligence services, specifically the GRU, Russia's military intelligence operation, which used the persona of "Guccifer 2.0" to mask their identity. These Russian agents then provided WikiLeaks with stolen e-mails. With apparent foreknowledge, dirty trickster Stone bragged about Clinton campaign official John Podesta having embarrassing e-mails days before they were released on WikiLeaks. He boasted that "my hero Julian Assange will educate the American people soon," referring to thousands of e-mails hacked from the Democratic National Committee five days before they were made public on October 7, 2016. Here's a good timeline to understand Stone's incriminating activities last year.
Stone is shaping up to be a key link between the campaign of demagogue and Putin pal Donald "Rump" Trump and Russian agents of influence, including the despicable fugitive Assange. His next appearance may be under subpoena, where he'll be compelled, under penalty of perjury and contempt of Congress, to identify the intermediary to WikiLeaks. The corrupt Stone, who sports a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back and who has a colorful sexual history, may wish he'd answered fully this time.
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