The peril that the country is in with an unstable, narcissistic and impulsive moron like Donald "Rump" Trump can't be overstated. Reporting today by NBC News indicates that in a July 20 meeting of his national security team, Rump expressed a desire for the U.S. to increase its nuclear arsenal tenfold. Rump's ignorance of arms limitation treaties that we've signed and the purpose of nuclear weapons being for deterrence and not use in war left many in the meeting shocked and dumbfounded (it was after that meeting that Rex "Rexxon" Tillerson called Rump an "f-ing moron).
Rump watcher and Vanity Fair correspondent Gabe Sherman has been talking to Republican officials in Congress and in the Administration, and reports that there is serious, mounting concern about Rump's access to the nuclear codes:
... on @allinwithchris: @gabrielsherman tells @chrislhayes that white house staffers view trump "almost as a natl. security risk." #inners— fake nick ramsey (@nick_ramsey) October 11, 2017
Read Sherman's disturbing piece on Rump's "unraveling" in Vanity Fair here.
There need to be safeguards established immediately to prevent Rump from impulsively starting a nuclear World War III, as Sen. Bob Corker has suggested. It will fall on his military and national security team to do that, while a supine and complicit Rethuglican Congress needs to get going and either amend or repeal the Authorization For Use Of Military Force (AUMF) statute that gives an unstable sociopath like Rump a virtual free hand in initiating war against those that he interprets to be nation-state "terrorists."