Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Don't Forget Puerto Rico

The dystopian chaos generated by neo- fascist moron Donald "Rump" Trump is enough to give us all nervous breakdowns on any given day. As his failures mount and his dangerous unfitness for office is demonstrated in ever- sharper focus, we're facing the existential crisis we all knew would follow with his election (see post below).

But, in the midst of all the chaos, we can't neglect the human tragedy for our fellow Americans unfolding in Puerto Rico.

While Rump and his regime put most of their efforts into putting a happy public face on recovery efforts, reports from the ground tell us that, like everything coming out of this sociopathic cluster of pig people, it's a lie:
Federal officials privately admit there is a massive shortage of meals in Puerto Rico three weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. 
Officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) say that the government and its partners are only providing 200,000 meals a day to meet the needs of more than 2 million people. That is a daily shortfall of between 1.8m and 5.8m meals. 
The scale of the food crisis dwarfs the more widely publicized challenges of restoring power and communications. More than a third of Puerto Ricans are still struggling to live without drinking water. 
However, Fema provides no details on food deliveries, keeping its public statements to the most general terms. On its website, Fema says it has provided “millions of meals and millions of liters of water”. 
In fact many of those meals are military ready-to-eat meals that civilians find hard to digest if consumed for more than a few days.  (our emphasis)
A burgeoning health care crisis is also unfolding:
Nearly three weeks after Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico, many sick people across the island remain in mortal peril. The government’s announcements each morning about the recovery effort are often upbeat, but beyond them are hidden emergencies. Seriously ill dialysis patients across Puerto Rico have seen their treatment hours reduced by 25 percent because the centers still lack a steady supply of diesel to run their generators. Less than half of Puerto Rico’s medical employees have reported to work in the weeks since the storm, federal health officials said. 
Hospitals are running low on medicine and high on patients, as they take in the infirm from medical centers where generators failed. A hospital in Humacao had to evacuate 29 patients last Wednesday — including seven in the intensive care unit and a few on the operating table — to an American military medical ship off the coast of Puerto Rico when a generator broke down.  (our emphasis)
With reports of people in some areas getting infections from bacteria- laden floodwaters, and who are forced to drink from contaminated streams, the danger of a public health disaster is already upon our fellow 3.5 million Americans of Puerto Rico.  Meanwhile, what's the moron up to? Distracting his drooling base by attacking the media and threatening media licenses, of course.

Here's a link to resources for helping our fellow Americans of Puerto Rico. By doing anything, you'll be doing more than Rump ever dreamed of doing himself.


  1. I just saw something in the news this morning that made me so angry - and that is really piling on - the phrase about Puerto Rico being treated differently than ports in the U.S. They ARE the U.S. - can't the news get it right and say mainland U.S.???!!!! Nearing a nervous breakdown with the insults to citizens of our country! P.E.C.

  2. Yes, and Rump reneging on promises to stay in PR until things are fixed (new post today). I have a pretty good idea why Rump and those around him don't value the American citizens of Puerto Rico like those of Texas, Louisiana and Florida, and I'm sure you share that thought. Thanks, Ms. Cake!
