Friday, October 13, 2017

Allies Criticize Trump's Iran Position

In a clear rebuke to neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's position to decertify the Iran nuclear agreeement, the governments of the UK, France and Germany issued a joint statement of support for the agreement:
“The nuclear deal was the culmination of 13 years of diplomacy and was a major step towards ensuring that Iran’s nuclear program is not diverted for military purposes,” they said after Mr. Trump spoke on Friday, noting that the United Nations Security Council had unanimously endorsed the deal and that the International Atomic Energy Agency had confirmed Iran’s compliance with it.

“We encourage the U.S. Administration and Congress to consider the implications to the security of the U.S. and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine.”
Contrary to evidence and his senior advisors, Rump decertified Iran's compliance with the agreement. Rump punted the sanctions element in his "announcement" today, passing the decision off to Congress as to whether to impose new sanctions on Iran (and particularly its Revolutionary Guard Corps), which would scuttle the agreement.

Rump's sick, pathological drive to undo every scrap of President Obama's legacy simply because he knows Obama's a far better man (and because he was the butt of Obama's jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner) is endangering our security, our health, and our planet. From pulling out of the Paris climate accords, to threatening to rip up NAFTA, to sabotaging the Affordable Care Act, Rump's blind rage against his predecessor adversely affects us all. The world sees it, even if millions of Rump's cult doesn't.

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