Friday, October 13, 2017

Weekend Music

Happy 75th birthday (!) to musician/ singer/ songwriter Paul Simon. We have to admit we're more fans of his earlier work with Art Garfunkel than we are of his solo efforts, as beautiful and as highly acclaimed as they are. So, we're highlighting two Simon songs from his early collaboration with Garfunkel, "Kathy's Song" from 1965's "Sounds of Silence" album, and "America" from 1968's "Bookends." A few points: the Kathy in the eponymous song is former Simon girlfriend and British muse Kathy Chitty, whose 1964 road trip with Simon also served as an inspiration for "America." Also, you may recall "America" was used in some early ads by Sen. Bernie Sanders when he ran in the Democratic primaries. Now, we've all come to look for America in the past 11 months, because it's not what we thought it was. Hope you enjoy.

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