Monday, October 16, 2017

Tweet Of The Day -- Ish There A Gingrich, Mr. Problem?

Drunk before 8 p.m.?  Is Callista already at the Vatican?

(screen capture)

The only thing missing is a "hic" or two. Also, you can just hear his lips smacking against Rump's rump, can't you?

(Of course, the self- important defender of Western Civilization and malignant tumor has deleted this and replaced it with a sober re- spelling.)

BONUSFellow blogger Gene tips us to the scorn Newtie is getting on Twitter - here are just a few examples --

And this from our distant cousin (father's side):


  1. Trump couldn't tweet because of his chicken fried chicken fat fingers, but the savage takedowns of Newtie on Twitter were fantastic.

  2. "Mr. Problem" indeed.

    Imagine how out-of-it you'd have to be to type something like that and post it. If he's drinking that hard at his age, one wonders how much longer he'll be around.

  3. Gene and Infidel - we always liked the aphorism that Newtie was "a stupid man's idea of a smart person." Not able - due to enlarged ego - to slink off after his ugly, disastrous stint as Speaker, he still unfortunately continues to have a platform, though in the case of this tweet, he probably wishes he didn't.
