Friday, November 3, 2017

Today's Cartoon Threefer

(click on images to enlarge)

(Tom Toles, Washington Post)

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

(Jim Morin, Miami Herald)


  1. I'm still at a loss as why NOBODY questions this "person" about his NOT releasing HIS tax returns. No one in the Daily Press Bullshitting brings it up? The 'Fake' Media doesn't bring it up! Faux News...?? Now, if it was Hillary, WOW!!! Maybe, the next time HE brings up Hillary, she should respond "tax returns? tax returns, anybody?" This Pretend President gets away with everything because,..???

  2. His luck may run out on him if, as is generally assumed, Mueller already has access to his returns as part of his investigation. Trump knows that his returns would show his deep ties and debt to Russian oligarchs (Putin's inner circle), which is why if it were up to him they'd be perpetually "under audit and so I can't release them!"
