Saturday, November 4, 2017

Tweet Of The Day

The "supervisor" of cooperating Mueller witness George Papadopoulos, who just withdrew from consideration as the Agriculture Department's chief scientist (and, of course, he's not a scientist) but is still on the White (Supremacist) House payroll as a senior advisor, may be trying to save his own expansive skin:

Hmmm. He didn't inform Trump's White (Supremacist) House counsel that he was called to testify before a Mueller grand jury? Sad!


  1. I don't understand. How did they not know this awful man had testified?

  2. The White House is loaded to the rafters with incompetents, of course. But beyond that, someone who is likely in jeopardy =cough= Clovis = cough= went to some lengths to keep his testimony quiet, suggesting he may want to play "let's make a deal" with Mueller by cooperating with the grand jury. We'll know if he's cooperating if the White House starts leaking that "he's a liar."

  3. Thanks, Hackie. Yes, we'll wait and see if/when they tear him down.
