Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Department Of Pissing Into The Wind

Peckerwood pedophile Roy "Teen Spirit" Moore, Alabama's degenerate Rethuglican candidate for the Senate, was joined on the campaign trail by far-right derelict cosplayer Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon yesterday. Bannon let loose the familiar white nationalist tripe and support your pedophile-over-country refrain, but then shifted into an attack on former Rethuglican Presidential candidate Willard "Mittens" Romney, after Romney tweeted his call for voters to reject Moore as a matter of honor and integrity:
"By the way, Mitt, while we're on the subject of honor and integrity, you avoided service, brother. Mitt, here's how it is, brother: The college deferments, we can debate that -- but you hid behind your religion. You went to France to be a missionary while guys were dying in rice paddies in Vietnam. You had five sons, not one day of service in Afghanistan and Iraq. ... Where were the Romneys during those wars? You want to talk about honor and integrity, brother, bring it. Bring it down here to Alabama."
We wonder if the audience was free-associating Bannon's description of Mittens with draft-dodging sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump, who received 4 student deferments and a medical deferment for a "bone spur," which didn't prevent him from participating in athletic activities. We wonder if the audience also recalled that President Bone Spur's two greasy sons never served in uniform when their country was at war. Indeed, in response to Gold Star father Khizr Khan's charge at the 2016 Democratic Convention that Rump had sacrificed nothing, when Rump was later asked what sacrifice he had made for his country, he responded that he sacrificed by hiring "thousands of people."

Perhaps in his next boomerang toss oration, we might expect Bannon to rail against sexual harassment by powerful men who deny any responsibility for their actions.

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