One of those tactics -- discrediting the investigators to discredit the investigation -- has, to us, the most dangerous and ominous overtones. It involves the usual party- before- country Republican media accomplices: Rupert Murdoch's army of flying monkeys at Fox "News" and the Wall Street Journal editorial board; the likes of termite impersonator Hugh "Man Boobs" Hewitt, who has an op/ ed in the Washington Post this morning asking for appointment of another special counsel to investigate Mr. Mueller (we won't link to it); and elfin Confederate States Attorney General and serial perjurer Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, who is suddenly concerned about "confidence" in the Justice Department:
Special counsel Robert Mueller removed a top FBI agent over the summer helping to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, a spokesman for Mueller's office said Saturday. Confirmation of the agent's dismissal from his role on Mueller's team came after two reports surfaced that said the agent may have shared texts that were critical of President Donald Trump. [snip]
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who has recused himself from matters relating to the Russia investigation, said in a statement that if proven to be true the agent's actions "would raise serious questions of public trust."
"My job is to restore confidence in the Department of Justice in all aspects of our work and I intend to do so," said Sessions, whose recusal following revelations that he had failed to disclose meetings with Russia's ambassador to the U.S effectively paved the way for the appointment of Mueller as special counsel."Raising serious questions of public trust" is exactly what these nihilist, treasonous shitheels are all about. Beyond providing a narrative that their credulous base can cling to, this is intended to build a firewall in the House of Representatives against impeachment charges. There are already vile Republican Trumpkins actively working to undermine the Trump- Russia investigations under their jurisdiction =cough= Devin Nunes =cough=. Casting enough doubt, however baseless, is one way to muddy the waters enough to allow spineless weasels to run for cover when they should be standing up for the rule of law and the Constitution.
Normally, we'd say its up to the "mainstream" media to avoid its usual rush to "cover the controversy" and catapult this bullshit line of defense into the reality- based world. However, given their track record, our expectations aren't especially high.
No, once again it falls upon us -- those citizens of the United States who value the truth and want to see the Mueller investigation through to the end -- to maintain pressure, especially on our elected officials and the media, to do their jobs. Then, in November 2018, we must do our jobs as voters.
BONUS: Here's a good read about the FBI agent who was removed from the Mueller investigation, and how Rump defenders are blowing this nothingburger up to derail/ discredit that investigation at a crucial time.
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