Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tweets Of The Day - Trump Cops To Obstruction Of Justice

Well, inadvertently. Proving once again that the legal team of deranged nitwit Donald "Rump" Trump has a fool for a client:

(Wittes has a mini- tweetstorm on this that's worth a look.)


  1. Does Prez. Stoopid know he is helping the prosecution every time he tweets/speaks. Oh, of course not. Stupid question on my part. His attorneys don't seem to care either. Hmmm?? No one can tell me someone can't take that "twitter" machine away from him, or block his tweets somehow. Something's up. VERY INTERESTING!!

  2. No matter how much Trump is paying his lawyer, it can't be enough for how hard he's making the guy's job.

  3. Infidel - His lawyers better be getting paid as they go, given Trump's history of stiffing people!
