Friday, January 19, 2018

Christie's Airport Comeuppance

Former New Jersey Governor and blowhard bully Chris "Krispykreme" Christie needs to get used to the way average citizens are treated, now that he's one himself. Yesterday, the rotund trash mouth was unceremoniously turned away from Newark Liberty International Airport's VIP entrance by Port Authority police, who escorted Krispykreme and his taxpayer-funded state police entourage to the public access area. He was trying to circumvent the TSA checkpoint that us commoners have to use when he was re-routed in humiliating fashion. Bravo, Port Authority police.

Krispykreme was the most unpopular Governor of New Jersey ever when his term ended last week. His Bridgegate scandal, his routine bullying and mocking of voters who stood up to him, and his sense of entitlement exhibited when he vacationed on a New Jersey beach that was closed to the public, led to widespread public disgust with the former Governor. His pathetic sucking up to sociopath and narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump never paid off for him, being yanked off the Rump transition team as chair after a short reign and not given any significant Federal appointments.

So, it's with some considerable glee and schadenfreude that we say "buh bye" to Krispykreme for now, although like other objects visible from space, he can't just disappear. Sadly.

(photo: Not so friendly skies await Krispykreme)

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