Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Cover Of The Day -- Got Clap?

We didn't watch the Very Stable Genius' SOTU, but apparently he was so pleased with himself that he clapped a lot. The New York Daily News cover this morning:

(click on image to enlarge)


DivaNewYork said...

I couldn't watch but will read the text of the speech.

Just as a matter of observation this past year: the chin thrust is more like Mussolini than Hitler.

Anonymous said...

I watched and had to stifle my gag reflex. But once I saw how MANY brave people were being recognized I decided to hang in there to see the recognition of our local school crossing guard. That is not to diminish those who were singled out, but many of them were victims of circumstance, and there are heroes who innovate and who are trying to save us from ourselves who would never be acknowledged by this president; it was pathetic. P.E.C.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Diva - the chin thrusts, combined with the chants of USA were especially evocative of another era. P.E.C.

donnah said...

I decided to skip the SOTU because my cats hate when I throw things and scream, “Shut up, you lying SOB!” fifty times an hour. And my husband refuses anything Trump related.

I did watch Joe Kennedy's rebuttal, which restored my faith in humanity a little bit. But unless we continue to protest and drive for voter registration, our anger will be spent in vain.

W. Hackwhacker said...

We didn't watch; not only would you have to look at Rump, but the camera would've framed the picture to include the smug faces of Pence and Ryan. Too much smarm.

DivaNewYork said...

Word, W!