Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hatch Won't Run In 2018

Nasty old sociopath Sen. Orrin "Nut" Hatch announced today that he won't seek another term in the Senate and will retire at the end of his term which ends this year. Hatch, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was a key architect of the venal wealthfare tax bill that will shower billions on Rethuglican donors and large multinational corporate enterprises, and leave the middle class with the crumbs. His departure is stoking speculation that former Rethuglican Presidential candidate and one-percenter Willard "Mittens" Romney will now enter the race in the heavily Rethuglican state. Mittens, repeatedly shamed and humiliated by vengeful narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump, may seek his pound of flesh should he be elected to the seat. Rump had urged Hatch to run again, if only to keep his nemesis (and potential rival in 2020) in Utah and out of politics.

On Christmas Day, the Salt Lake Tribune excoriated Hatch in an editorial sarcastically naming him "Utahn of the Year" saying that he had "an utter lack of integrity which rises from unquenchable thirst for power." The editorial notes that in 1976, when he first ran for the Senate against incumbent Frank Moss, Hatch said,
“What do you call a senator who’s served in office for 18 years? You call him home.”
 It was way well past Hatch's shelf life. Good riddance to this amoral corporate puppet and sack of hypocrisy and Rethuglican "values."


  1. Hoping he's one of many more to exit this year. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass, Orrin fucking Hatch.

  2. 2018: the year Democrats take out the trash, Diva!
