Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Buh Bye Bots? [UPDATED}

Right wing Trumpers are bemoaning Twitter's action to purge thousands of bots and Russian trolls from using their platform. The action was taken after evidence of Russian intelligence's use of bots and trolls on social media to influence politics was revealed in last Friday's indictments of 13 Russian individuals and 3 organizations. Twitter had earlier purged some 1 million fake users in January.

In their sweep, Twitter may have missed this one:

"Sovereignty of all nations"? That's an odd statement to finish with. You mean like Russia's "sovereign" claim to Crimea and Ukraine? That sovereignty? Talk about a red flag.

If you're complaining about a purge of Russian bots, you're supporting treason.

UPDATE: New Yorker satirist Andy Borowitz has a take on the bot purge as it affected Cadet Bone Spurs. 

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