Wednesday, February 21, 2018

He's Sweating, Cont'd.

In a morning Twit-tantrum, unindicted co-conspirator and Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump lashed out at his own Attorney General, evil elf Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, for not blowing more smoke to obscure the Mueller investigation indictments and actions:

Two points for the Twit-In-Chief: President Obama warned Putin in September 2016 that Moscow's meddling and hacking had to stop. When it came time to enlist the support of Rethuglican leadership to present a united front, Senate Majority Leader and human/turtle hybrid Mitch "Missy" McConnell said "no," fearing that it would benefit Hillary Clinton to expose Russia's tilt toward Rump. Rump had been whining about the elections being "rigged" all that fall, and Obama was, sadly in retrospect, reluctant to appear to put his finger on the scales for Hillary.

The second point: Obama kicked Russian agents out of the U.S. right after the election, and closed two of their compounds. The sanctions that Obama imposed against Russia after their invasion of Ukraine were the sanctions that Rump's advisor and Russian tool Michael "Lock Him Up" Flynn secretly promised the Russians (on Rump's orders) would be lifted under Rump. Flynn then lied to the FBI about it. Rump has refused to implement the new sanctions on the Kremlin that were passed overwhelmingly by Congress.

The more Rump flails and points here and there, the more you know he's sweating over the Mueller investigation's relentless push that's getting ever closer to the Oval Office.


donnah said...

I'll enjoy the twisting of the thumbscrews when they're attached to the principle targets. I do get some satisfaction in the news that certain members of the Trump cartel find themselves under the microscope, but I really want the big ones to be swept up and dumped into the pokey.

A girl can dream!

Hackwhackers said...

donnah -- So can boys! Mueller's clock is ticking, ticking, ticking.....

donnah said...

I gotta say again, I'm glad Mueller's on this case. He's the right guy for the job because he's careful, steady, and unflappable. Not only is he a stickler for the rules, he runs a tight ship. I may be impatient for the final ruling, but I understand that he's going to dot all the i's and cross the t's.

tick ick tick...