Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Headline Of The Day

Intelligence Chiefs: Trump Has Not Directed Us to Stop Russian Meddling

From Mother Jones. Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed directly asked all of the Federal intelligence chiefs appearing at today's hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee if Putin puppet Donald "Rump" Trump had specifically asked them to take action to counter Russia's ongoing cyber threat to our elections. None of the assembled intelligence officials said that he had.

The officials were unanimous in stating that Russia will continue its cyber attacks on our election process for 2018.


  1. So, drumph doesn't want ANY action to be taken to counter russia's cyber attacks. Hmmm. Now if this isn't a NEON light sayin "I'm Guilty as Hell in Collaborating with the Ruskies" flying over dear POTUS' (Prick of the US) head, I don't know what is!

  2. F.M.-- First, denying that Russia was responsible for the hacking, second, undermining our intelligence community, third, obstructing the Russia investigation, fourth, refusing to apply the sanctions that Congress overwhelmingly approved, and fifth, sitting on his hands regarding ongoing Russia sabotage. It's rapidly moving from "consciousness of guilt" to treason.
