The old saying, "The fish rots from the head," was never more true than as it applies to the evil comic opera staff of the White (Supremacist) House and associated regime of malignant narcissist and rotting blobfish Donald "Rump" Trump. For example, just in recent days, we have Only The Best People like these in the news:
Chief of
Or former Staff Secretary Rob Porter.
Or former assistant Omarosa Manigault.
Or former Center for Disease Control Director Brenda Fitzgerald.
Or EPA administrator Scott Pruitt.
Or would- be ambassador to Barbados Leandro Rizzuto, Jr.
BONUS: There are, of course, many more that could be listed that have departed over the past 12 months. The Washington Post has listed 37 who have resigned, resigned under pressure, or been fired, some of whom (i.e., Yates, Bharara, Comey) for political/ obstruction reasons (click on image to enlarge):

That's an impressive level of fail (note other Best People, like the fondly remembered Spicer, Priebus, Scaramucci, Bannon and Gorka -- MAGA!).
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