Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Rethugs In Florida Legislature Shut Down Gun Debate

Just as student survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL were heading by bus to the Rethuglican-controlled Florida State Legislature to lobby them for stronger gun safety laws, the state's House voted not to allow debate on banning assault style weapons like the one used in last week's massacre at their high school. The state Senate meanwhile backed a proposal to put more armed officers in each school in Florida, echoing the National Rifle Rampage Association's false mantra that "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," as if the first target of a shooter wouldn't be the officer(s).

The contempt and arrogance with which the legislature dealt with the students will be long remembered by them as they approach, or already are of, voting age. They apparently feel that because you're a teen, your voice doesn't count. They'll find out in the years to come that they made a bad decision. As one person said on Twitter:

BONUS:  In case you don't believe what vicious loons they're dealing with, read this. And this.

BONUS II:  You also might be pleased to know these crackers are addressing the real public health issue!


  1. My outrage meter was shattered sometime last fall: too much Republican crap blew it up. This week I'm glad I never got it repaired because the shooting and the subsequent White House and Republican reactions would have caused it to explode like a nuclear weapon.

    What the ever-loving fuck are these ghouls even doing? They're denying gun control measures in less than a week after their own constituents were gunned down. Think about that. And Right Wing noise machines are actually attacking the students who are speaking out against the gun lobbies and the Republicans. They're calling them children and accusing them of being actors!

    I'm just unable to process this level of insanity. Damn Trump and his party of monsters.

  2. donnah -- They're despicable and need to be removed from office. They're fearful of the wave that's coming for them, so they choose to short-circuit any debate that would expose their disgusting positions. It's a slap in the face of the grieving families and students that were on their way to the state capitol.

  3. I read this morning that George Clooney and his wife Amal are donating half a million dollars to the school's new protest organization. Oprah Winfrey matched it, as did Stephen Spielberg and his wife. The Republicans who go after this cause are going to find themselves up against some well-backed teenagers and their parents. So if money talks, the Republicans are going to have to listen.
