Friday, February 16, 2018

The Russians Are Coming, Flippers, And Yet Another Trump Sex Scandal

Three stories of varying import broke in the past 24 hours, while the Florida school massacre was unfolding:

1. Special Counsel's Russian indictments
Thirteen Russian nationals and three Russian entities were indicted on Friday, “accused of violating U.S. criminal laws in order to interfere with U.S. elections and political processes,” according to the special counsel’s office. 
According to ABC, President Donald Trump was briefed about the indictments by FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. 
The Justice Department indicted the Russian troll farm the Internet Research Agency, two Russian organizations that funded the election interference operations — Concord Management and Consulting and Concord Catering — and 13 individuals accused of working with those groups.
We wonder how Cadet Bone Spurs reacted to the briefing. Look for him and his lickspittles to concoct some distractions toot sweet.

Raw Story has the full 37- page indictment embedded here. It should make your blood boil. Also, Digby wonders about how this might ultimately involve Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner, the Rump campaign's "cyber" czar.

2. Trump associates flipping out
Special counsel Robert Mueller may be close to flipping another former Trump staffer. 
Rick Gates — Paul Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, and a 2016 Trump campaign staffer — is “finalizing” a plea deal in which he’d cooperate with the Mueller investigation, CNN’s Katelyn Polantz and Sara Murray report. Gates has been in negotiations with Mueller’s team about cooperating for over a month, their report says, citing sources familiar with the case. [snip] 
The biggest question, though, is whether Gates’s possible flip is mainly bad news for Paul Manafort concerning those lobbying and money laundering charges ... or whether it would have even bigger implications for the investigation into Russian interference as a whole, and into President Trump specifically. 
Because if Manafort were to know of anything that could implicate Trump in connection with Russia, it seems quite plausible Gates would know it, too.
Another small, but potentially important fish, Richard Pinedo, was flipped today as well. Mueller is just methodically going through this collection of jamokes like a hot knife through butter.

3. Move over, Stormy!
Donald Trump conducted an extramarital affair with a former Playboy playmate while married to his current wife, according to a new report — and the National Enquirer helped him cover it up. 
Karen McDougal, a former “Playmate of the Year,” documented the relationship in an eight-page note that one of her friends shared with the New Yorker‘s Ronan Farrow. [snip] 
Trump had been married to his third wife for nearly two years at that point, and Melania had just given birth to their son. 
McDougal claimed she and Trump had sex — and she said the future president offered her money afterward. 
“I looked at him (+ felt sad) + said, ‘No thanks – I’m not ‘that girl.’ I slept w/you because I like you – NOT for money’ – He told me ‘you are special.’,” she wrote. 
The Wall Street Journal reported just four days before the 2016 election that National Enquirer publisher American Media, Inc., paid $150,000 for the exclusive rights to McDougal’s story — which it never published. 
AMI chairman David Pecker describes Trump a “personal friend,” and he’s been known to buy damaging stories about the president that he then sits on, which is called “catch and kill” in the tabloid industry.
Not only was Cadet Bone Spurs having an affair with McDougal, he was shtupping porn star Stormy Daniels during the same timeframe. Must've been a lot of "executive time" back then.  Also note the involvement of the aptly named David Pecker in shielding Cadet Bone Spurs from the scandal.  Since Republicans long ago lost any moral compass they might (might) have once had, this will end up as another footnote -- albeit a salacious one -- unless what amounts to that pecker Pecker's hush money gave him some leverage over Cadet Bone Spurs that he could exchange for favors, etc.

That noise you hear is the world laughing at us.

BONUS: Apropos of items 1 and 2 above (click to enlarge):


  1. 3 words: "Let It Be" ( again, apologies Sir Paul) but this is always so appropriate.
    Keep it a coming. He's an Idiot, but eventually, "Going down, down, down, like a burning Ring of Fire"...(apologies Mr. Cash) However.....

  2. The Piggies (h/t to Mr. Harrison) are going to be squealing!

  3. I'm going to toss this out for sh*ts and grins: Picture Obama facing any single allegation like these. He would have been burned at the stake.

    It's a joke, this administration, and one that manages to skip the rules, break the law, and still keep moving along. We have to hope that this digusting excuse for a human being finally gets caught and punished for any or all of his crimes. But it seems like he just escapes every time. Let him please get taken down!

  4. donnah - For someone whose built up so much bad karma over his life, the reckoning would be have to be epic. We have to believe!

    And, yes, any one of the revelations, from his serial sexual predation to the whiff of treason, would have brought down Obama or any Democrat, with the media leading the charge. Hard to understand.

  5. white supremacist ideology IS the foundation, source and fuel of American racism!
    AND finally has an overt white supremacist racist bigot IN the WHITE House to set policy and sign laws based on the this ideology!
    Had former TWICE elected POTUS Obama had any 1 of the scandal(s) this white male has to date ... humpt ...lets not go there!

  6. Gerald - he definitely has some sort of white teflon. Having an overwhelmingly white, knuckle- dragger party behind him whose ONLY mission is to maintain its hold on power is the key ingredient in his teflon. So, for them, when you say they're "party before country" it really means "white privilege before country."

  7. Let's hope that the multiple angles of investigation will bear fruit. There's the Russian interference in the elections, the lies and coverups about his sexual affairs while he was married, his tax returns and what those reveal about his business dealings...the list is a big one. Even if none of the investigations result in his termination as president, let them reveal his stunning lack of character, his dishonesty, his personal and professional corruption. And then hope that somehow his despicable acts will actually cost him the presidency.

    There's a lot riding on what Mueller finds and what he's able to prove. The immense wall of defense that the Republicans have in place will be difficult to tear down. They have a party unity that defies logic; they are willing to cast aside their own morals as long as they get a payoff. The whole lot of them is rotten.

    Democrats need the resolve and guts to push forward. We need to back them up in November.

  8. Hack ...I have to agree with you about "country"
    They say "I want my country back" ... only problem for them the vast majority of the US population sing "This is OUR land ...this land belongs to YOU and ME!
    The damage being done by this Admin and Republican led Congress to OUR Nation and society is disheartening!
