Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trump's Budget And Infrastructure Plans Are Cruel Jokes (Of Course)

As the Republican- controlled Senate begins its debate on how to ignore the fate of Dreamers, the budget and infrastructure plans of clueless authoritarian Donald "Rump" Trump have arrived on Capitol Hill like (to borrow a phrase from Rick Wilson) "a fart in a hurricane."  Though they're both dead on arrival, they serve an important purpose in that they demonstrate the vicious vacuousness of the morally hollowed out Republican Party:
President Donald Trump unveiled a $4.4 trillion budget plan Monday that envisions steep cuts to America’s social safety net but mounting spending on the military, formally retreating from last year’s promises to balance the federal budget. 
The president’s spending outline for the first time acknowledges that the Republican tax overhaul passed last year would add billions to the deficit and not “pay for itself” as Trump and his Republican allies asserted. If enacted as proposed, though no presidential budget ever is, the plan would establish an era of $1 trillion-plus yearly deficits. [snip] 
Trump’s budget revived his calls for big cuts to domestic programs that benefit the poor and middle class, such as food stamps, housing subsidies and student loans. Retirement benefits would remain mostly untouched by Trump’s plan, as he has pledged, though Medicare providers would absorb about $500 billion in cuts — a nearly 6 percent reduction. Some beneficiaries in Social Security’s disability program would have to re-enter the workforce under proposed changes to eligibility rules. [snip] 
The White House used Monday’s event to promote its long-awaited plan to increase funding for infrastructure. The plan would put up $200 billion in federal money over the next 10 years in hopes of leveraging a total of $1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending, relying on state and local governments and the private sector to contribute the bulk of the funding. 
But after his aides talked up that plan over the weekend, Trump suggested that his infrastructure proposal wasn’t a big deal for him.
So, typical Social Darwinist Republican plans, punching down and sticking future generations with the bill for their greed and stupidity.

Underscoring that last point about Rump's not considering the infrastructure proposal  con a big deal for him (just after his regime rolled it out like it was a big deal!) the budget and infrastructure "plans" both show Rump's and his Republican minders' cynicism when it comes to their "populist" claims.  Here's Eugene Robinson's view of Rump's "big lie":
Remember how the president promised a $1 trillion program to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges, airports and railroads? Well, he claims to be doing even more — $1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending over the next decade. But the promise comes with little or no new federal money, which means it barely qualifies as an idle wish. 
Trump says he wants to spend just $200 billion over 10 years on infrastructure, with cities and states providing the rest. But mayors and governors don’t have $1.3 trillion lying around; ask them, if you don’t believe me. And since the $200 billion is supposed to come from savings elsewhere in the budget, Trump effectively plans to give with one hand and take away with the other. [snip] 
So is there more money for everybody? No, not for programs that provide important support to Trump’s base. The president pledged to maintain or strengthen the social safety net, but — sit down, you won’t believe this — he lied. 
His budget cuts $554 billion in Medicare spending over 10 years, which is of concern to anyone over 65. It cuts up to $250 billion in Medicaid spending, which has implications for anybody who has a loved one in a nursing home. Trump wants to cut $214 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, a vital source of help for the working poor.
Dana Milbank also has a long, scathing piece about Rump's "comic book" budget and how it reveals Rump's long con on his credulous worshippers.

Likely, those knuckle- draggers will be spared much of the harsh reality of what Rump's budget and infrastructure "plans" would like to foist on them.  But this is yet another "reveal" into the Republican Party's intellectual and moral rot, the perfect exemplar of which is their leader and Very Stable Genius.

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