Friday, February 9, 2018

Wow! That's Not A BOMBSHELL, Cadet Bone Spurs (And You Know It)

The evermore desperate compulsion of un- indicted co- conspirator and Putin asset Donald "Rump" Trump to distract and discredit revealed itself again today.  Playing off a piece of agitprop from water carrier Ed Henry at Fox "News," Cadet Bone Spurs thought he 'sploded the latest BOMBSHELL! that would lead to his total vindication!

Not so fast, nitwit!  You need to stop playing with those dud BOMBSHELLS!

You see, several hours earlier, none other than Republican Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (R- Ambition) had already 'sploded the BOMBSHELL! right back in Fox's and Cadet Bone Spurs' faces:

Not to be outdone, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Sen. Warner also issued a joint statement popping the latest distraction balloon (but not until the original BOMBSHELL! distraction was making all the headlines in the right- wing media bubble).  Via TPM:
“From the beginning of our investigation, we have taken each step in a bipartisan way, and we intend to continue to do so. Leaks of incomplete information out of context by anyone, inside or outside our committee, are unacceptable,” Burr and Warner said in the statement. “The Senate Intelligence Committee has been in possession of this material for several months. The full committee has had access to the material and been brief on its content, and committee investigators have pursued all relevant investigative leads related to this material.”
Three things:  investigation- obsessed Cadet Bone Spurs basically has "consciousness of guilt" tattooed on his forehead at this point;  second, the vast majority of the right- wing media (Fox "News," Washington Times, The Blaze and all the other lickspittle fauna in that hothouse of treason, bigotry and stupidity) are going to actively follow this utterly compromised, unfit, authoritarian nitwit down whatever rabbit hole in which he decides to take refuge; and third, there may be enough Republicans -- especially on the Senate committees -- who have been privy to enough classified material to keep them from embracing Cadet Bone Spurs and his increasingly transparent efforts to stop the investigations.

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