Tuesday, March 13, 2018

House Republican Whitewash: "Nothing To See Here; Please Disperse!"

Seeing the simultaneous approach of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and a November blue wave, party- before- country Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have decided to wrap up their "investigation" and issue some "findings" on the Trump- Russia collusion scandal.  To summarize: No collusion, no collusion, you're the collusion!

Throughout the past year or so, the Republicans on the committee, led by Trump stooge and  über- villain Rep. Devin "Inspector Clouseau" Nunes (R- Complicit), have pulled out every stop to stymie and misdirect their investigation into Russian meddling in our 2016 election, and the Trump campaign's role in that meddling. The latest move was such a blatant political hatchet job that one Republican on the committee decided he couldn't cover for it:

It will be several weeks before the Republican whitewash is out, but it will follow the same dishonest script as the hit job it released earlier this year (the one attempting to cast the FBI as real culprits in the Russia scandal). The Republicans also intend to try to continue to muddy the waters by continuing to look at use of the FISA court and the funding of the "pee dossier." However with the Mueller investigation deepening and the Senate Intelligence Committee's serious investigation proceeding in a bipartisan manner, this attempt by Nunes and his fellow co- conspirators to "close" the books will not age well. While it gives un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump a fleeting opportunity to tweet out yet another risible exoneration, Democrats on the committee will issue their own report and will continue to follow leads. Thanks to rank Republican partisanship, this was always a fatally flawed sideshow to the main event, to be viewed mainly as a showcase for the clownish antics of Nunes and his fellow hacks.


BONUS II: via democraticunderground.com --


  1. Inspector Clouseau - that's fucking hilarious!

  2. The House is so partisan that this was always a bit like having the Death Eaters investigate Lord Voldemort. Nunes will end up looking almost as silly about this as Trump. And I guess no one told Trump that all-caps typing makes you look like you're shouting in a panic.

  3. Diva - no offense to Inspector Clouseau intended!

    Infidel - Nunes sunk to the occasion all right. Trump is so transparent in his consciousness of guilt that he's making Mueller's job easier.

  4. Nunes is a slimy little snake. How has he managed to avoid being stepped on this long? I can't wait to see him tossed into the chopper.

  5. donnah - He's got at least one credible challenger (Andrew Janz). His defeat/ humiliation would be welcomed -- but not as much as his indictment!
