Saturday, March 3, 2018

Kushner's International Pay-To-Play Troubles

Increasingly, the corrupt shenanigans of Clown Prince Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner are coming to light as a result of good, investigative journalism and the Mueller investigation. We've known for many months that Kushner repeatedly lied on his SF-86 security clearance form about contacts he had with an array of shady characters, including a Russian bank official under U.S. sanctions during the transition. His security clearance problems stem from that deviousness and willingness to conceal his wheeling and dealing with agents of our adversaries. Last Wednesday, it was revealed that two major companies loaned Kushner's real estate business $500 million after meeting with him last year in his White (Supremacist) House office.

Thanks to new reporting, we know that the Mueller team is looking at whether Kushner has been trading on his position (official and family) and influencing matters of war and peace in the Middle East. Recall the major dustup in the Middle East last year, when Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates organized a blockade of neighboring Qatar, allegedly over that country's ties with Iran. It was odd that Qatar should be singled out, considering the Saudi establishment's long time involvement in Sunni terrorism and Qatar's hosting of one of the U.S.'s largest air bases in the region. Not so coincidentally, Kushner's real estate mogul father previously met with Qatar's minister of finance to desperately seek a loan for his failing property at 666 (hmmm) Fifth Avenue in New York City. Qatar turned him down, and weeks later Kushner was the major advocate of a blockade against Qatar, a move opposed by Secretary of State Tillerson and Defense Secretary Mattis.

The Qataris sensed that the loan turn down and the U.S.'s backing of a blockade weeks later were connected. According to NBC News:
"Qatari government officials visiting the U.S. in late January and early February considered turning over to Mueller what they believe is evidence of efforts by their country’s Persian Gulf neighbors in coordination with Kushner to hurt their country, four people familiar with the matter said. The Qatari officials decided against cooperating with Mueller for now out of fear it would further strain the country’s relations with the White House, these people said." (emphasis added)
The "for now" caveat is very interesting, and suggests the Qataris feel they have leverage over the Trump Administration. They would be one of several countries that believe Kushner's urgent quest for financing, his naivete, and his ethical blindness can be exploited for their gain. As the NBC News article discusses, the Qatari piece is just one of several concerns the Mueller investigation is considering, including Kushner's dealings with Turkish officials and with the Chinese ambassador to the U.S.  As the dominoes fall in the Mueller investigation, the Qataris and others might feel comfortable cooperating with Special Counsel Mueller.

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