Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tillerson Out At State (UPDATED)

The Washington Post is reporting that neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump has fired his hapless Secretary of State, former Exxon executive Rex "Rexxon" Tillerson, and plans to replace him with his sympatico CIA Director and former Rethuglican Congresscritter Mike Pompeo. The move comes after Rump rashly announced his intention to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, only hours after Rexxon said on a trip to Africa that a dialogue with North Korea was not in the offing. The Secretary of State has often found himself playing catch up with tweets and pronouncements from the unstable Rump, and was reported to have called Rump a "f*cking moron" last summer in a meeting at the Pentagon, a characterization that he didn't specifically deny. Tillerson was brought in to head the State Department because of his warm relationship with Russian thug Vladimir Putin, who had awarded him Russia's Order of Friendship.

The move of Pompeo to State also will allow Rump to put another loyalist in at the CIA, which has stood behind the claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections to benefit their asset Rump.

UPDATE: Rump announced that career CIA official Gina Haspel will be nominated as the new director.

UPDATE II: Charles Pierce at Esquire.com thinks this may have something to do with Rexxon's calling out Russia for the nerve gas attack in the UK. There's also the point that Putin had expressed his disappointment in Rexxon last fall. Don't want to anger the boss, do we?

UPDATE III:  Some timing info --
UPDATE V Tillerson omitted a certain name in his farewell address to the State Department.


  1. Chickenshit fires him via Twitter. Classy.

  2. Diva -- More sociopathic behavior and lack of impulse control on display by a delusional narcissist.

  3. Tillerson stamped his own time card when he called Trump a moron. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did.
