Saturday, March 10, 2018

Wingnuttery, Hypocrisy and Evangelicals

We've often seen "evangelical" pastors like the bigot Franklin Graham and Trump apologist Robert Jeffress defending the decidedly un-Christian behavior of their man Donald "Rump" Trump. The utter corruption of the "evangelical movement" began long ago, with the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson donning religious pretensions to push Rethuglican political messages. Now, it's found its nadir in pastors defending the adulterous, narcissistic, bigoted, vengeful, perpetually lying Rump, as long as he hews to their reactionary political agenda.

There's also the frequent exposure of lesser-known evangelical hucksters, involved in everything from fraud and greed, to illicit drug manufacturing, to bogus "gay conversion therapy," to child molestation. Throw in some spousal abuse and you get the picture of right-wing evangelicals. Some of the worst hypocrites are found in the "prosperity gospel" crowd, like the unctuous Joel Osteen. They reject the notion as expressed in Matthew 19:24 that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. As they accumulate their own massive wealth, they claim it's a sign of "God's favor" to be wealthy, thus their fealty to Rump.

With all of that as background -- the greed, the hypocrisy, the belief that the ends justify the means, the misogyny, and the latent racism -- it shouldn't be surprising that Rump is their man, and that they will stick with him through -- literally -- the fires of hell.

(photo: Proto-politician/evangelical Pat Robertson showing his "Christian" values)


  1. Bill Clinton was a horndog and was relentlessly dragged through the mud for it, and still is. Obama was (and still is) squeaky clean and loves his wife and family, church and country, but not only did he never receive admiration from the hypocritical Right, he was mocked for being weak. And oh, and he smoked weed in college and smoked cigarettes. The horror!

    The hypocrisy is SO HUGE that I can hardly believe it. Both from the Evangelicals and the Conservative Republicans, the enormity of their hypocrisy is off the charts. They have twisted themselves into veritable pretzels trying to make Trump's egregious lying, cheating, adultery and stealing acceptable. They enact laws that destroy safety nets for the poor, and turn away children who seek asylum here. They are as evil and corrupt as the devil, but pretend that it's everyone else who is wrong.

    I'm not a religious person, so wishing them all off to hell is a hollow hope, but still...

  2. donnah -- They've proven that they have no higher loyalty or faith than to the Rethuglican party, and whomever leads it. As you note, their involvement in anti-immigrant, anti-poor and other right-wing causes should be far removed from the gospel that they pretend to follow.

  3. And imagine when the laws separating church and state are finally dissolved. They've been under attack for years and they are weakened to a dangerous level already, but I imagine that pretty soon they will be abolished, and dark money donations from religious organizations will flood the political playing field.


  4. I can never wrap my head around people that will GIVE $ to the likes of the Oral Roberts, P.Robertsons, Grahams, etc. They are F*****G millionaires & leave their legacies & money to the kids. TAX FREE!!! What is wrong with YOU. This money should go to feed,clothe, house the poor, DAMMINT!!

    I have a relative (former drug user) who had a liver transplant from a young guy who died in a motorcycle accident. NOW, I'm NOT negating organ transplants here, but she attributes it to God (not medicine, etc) & became "born again" & now tithes a certain % of her very wealthy paycheck to her church. I can't be around them anymore. It's always a lecture in god's work.
    Sorry, guys, for this soapbox spiel, but, thank you.

  5. F.M. -- We have a family member or two that have similar views, so we know the feeling. It's based in fear for the most part. When something absolutely horrible happens, it's the "God works in mysterious ways" line. When something positive happens, it's always due to God. Go figure.
