Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kanye West Remains A Jackass

Rapper Kanye "Go, Just Go" West embarrassed himself at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards when he rushed the stage during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female Video, proclaiming that BeyoncĂ© should have won. President Obama called West a "jackass" for that rude, intimidating and narcissistic move. That must have hurt West's tender fee-fees, coming from the first African-American President, and he hasn't forgotten it.

Now, West has moved firmly into the camp of white supremacist and narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump, who has done everything possible to destroy Obama's legacy. Gauging from comments on social media, West's fans are abandoning him in droves after his embrace of Rump. Apparently, West was in a coma during the whole Charlottesville episode, when Rump proclaimed KKK and neo-Nazi marchers "very fine people."  Then again, West hasn't hid his occasional anti-Semitism either.

West's health has been a problem for several years, with fluctuations in weight and hospitalizations for "exhaustion." His ups and downs in mood have many mental health experts sounding the alarm. Whatever the reason for his bizarre embrace of bigot Rump, whether it's his embrace of a fellow narcissist or simply an emotional breakdown, time will tell. But if he was ever worth listening to, he's not worth it now.

BONUS:  Steven Colbert has some thoughts and advice--

BONUS II:  Celeb friends are un- following him on Twitter, as well.

(photo: In full MAGA gear. Maybe wife Kim can lend him a bra. Bahe/Backgrid)

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