Friday, April 13, 2018

Lock Him Up, Tex-Ass Edition

NRA stooge and former Texas Rep. Steve "Suckman" Stockman was one of the most radical, unhinged members of the Rethuglican Party, a soulmate of fellow winger Texan Rep. Louie "Screwy Louie" Gohmert and Iowa's flaming bigot Rep. Steve "Cantaloupe Calves" King. So it was very gratifying to see his conviction yesterday by a Federal jury on 23 felony counts related to misuse of roughly $1 million in charitable donations for political and personal purposes. Among the specific counts were 11 counts of money laundering and seven counts of mail and wire fraud, with up to 20 years in prison for each felony conviction.

Stockman was notorious in his brief Congressional tenure for his radical views, especially on gun control, and his childishly obnoxious tweets foreshadowed those of unhinged demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's. You'll recall that he also invited the pedophile pants-pooping draft dodger Ted Nugent to President Obama's 2013 State of the Union address (after Nugent threatened Obama's life) just to show his extremist cred. His racism toward Obama surfaced time and again.

So here's hoping that Suckman, who will be sentenced on August 17, spends a very long time in prison (unless Rump pardons the SOB).

(photo: Stockman and Nugent: one down, one to go. NYC Labret/Demotix/Corbis)

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