Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday Reading

As always, please go to the full articles at the links.

E.J. Dionne, Jr., on the hole being dug by dimwit narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump for his loathsome party:
President Trump doubled down last week on his repulsive charge that immigrants from south of our border are “rapists.” It was another sign of what an appalling man he is but also an indication of how much political trouble he faces. 
Trump is a demagogue who relies on the angry energy of his supporters. But he finds himself in an untenable position: No matter how many hot buttons he pushes, he cannot arouse the passion he needs on his own side to counter the determination and engagement of those who loathe him. 
The upshot is a vicious cycle that could be disastrous for the Republican Party this fall. So far, Trump has failed to stir his base, but he has become, unintentionally, one of the most effective organizers of progressive activism and commitment in the country’s history. 
Charles Blow on the cable network that's beyond redemption, and its "Fox & Friends," whose dimwit hosts shape policy in Rump's America:
This show, with its kindergarten-level intellectual capacity, moved from parroting conservative policies to constructing presidential priorities. “Fox & Friends” has essentially become Donald Trump’s daily briefing. 
Countless media outlets have written and talked about the strangely intense connection between Trump and the show. 
As The Guardian put it, “The show manages to serve as a court sycophant, whispering in the ear of the king, criticizing his perceived enemies and fluffing his feathers.” 
Politico Magazine concurred, saying the show “feels intentionally designed for Trump himself — a three-hour, high-definition ego fix.” [snip]
In a way, America is being governed by the dimmest of wits on the most unscrupulous of networks. The very thought of it is horror-inducing.
Peter Leyden and Ruy Teixeira on the two systems, two classes and two cultures that exist in America, and why one (blue) side must, and will, win (found via Infidel 753's good read):
The next time you call for bipartisan cooperation in America and long for Republicans and Democrats to work side by side, stop it. Remember the great lesson of California, the harbinger of America’s political future, and realize that today such bipartisan cooperation simply can’t get done. 
In this current period of American politics, at this juncture in our history, there’s no way that a bipartisan path provides the way forward. The way forward is on the path California blazed about 15 years ago.
The New York Daily News has a little insight into the person killed in the fire in Trump Tower in New York City on Saturday, and Rump's previous characterization of him:
Todd Brassner, a 67-year-old art dealer who lost his life Saturday in the Trump Tower fire, despised building owner Donald Trump, a friend of the victim told the Daily News. The feeling was evidently mutual, with now-President Trump allegedly calling Brassner a “crazy Jew” soon after the art dealer moved into the Fifth Ave. high-rise more than two decades ago, Brassner pal Patrick Goldsmith said Sunday.
Thank goodness one American industry and company will not suffer any negative impacts from Rump's trade war with China, purely by coincidence:
Exempt from the proposed tariffs against China, however, is the clothing manufacturing industry. [snip]

Exempting clothing from the tariffs provides a big break to American clothing companies that hold trademarks in China. One of those clothing companies belongs to the First Daughter of the United States, Ivanka Trump.
Lastly, to broaden your horizons, please check out the always enlightening/ amusing/ appalling link round- up at the aforementioned Infidel 753's joint.

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