Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Progressive Wins Landslide Statewide Election To Wisconsin Supreme Court

You can look at all the moderately optimistic polling, but we prefer to look at actual results.  They show a blue wave coming that's outperforming polls and is not diminishing:
Rebecca Dallet trounced Michael Screnock on Tuesday for a seat on the state Supreme Court, shrinking the court's conservative majority and giving Democrats a jolt of energy heading into the fall election. 
It marked the first time in 23 years that a liberal candidate who wasn't an incumbent won a seat on the high court. [snip]

Dallet's sizable margin alarmed Republican Gov. Scott Walker enough that he posted a series of messages on Twitter warning he could be the victim of a "blue wave" this fall.  
With 88% of wards reporting, Dallet led Screnock 56% to 44%, according to unofficial returns. 
This was a statewide election in a state malignant nitwit Donald "Rump" Trump (a.k.a. President Spanky) won by less than one percent. It reduces the Republican/ Koch brothers majority on the State Supreme Court to 4-3.  No wonder loathsome Wisconsin Gov. Scott "Koch Head" Walker (R-Kochland) wanted to avoid calling special elections. The Republican/ Koch brothers gerrymandered stranglehold on Wisconsin may be coming to an end sooner rather than later.

This happens when you organize, mobilize and vote!

BONUS: Check out Andy Borowitz's satiric take on Walker and the elections.

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