Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ryan Calling It Quits

According to reports this morning, Squeaker of the House Paul "Lyin'" Ryan will not seek reelection to Congress, and is expected to make that announcement himself as early as today. In the upcoming mid-term elections, Ryan faced the real probability that the House of Representatives would flip to Democratic control, which would relegate him to minority leader. He also faced a well-financed and charismatic Dem challenger for his House seat in Randy Bryce. (Ryan's seat is already being re- rated as a tossup.)

Ryan was instrumental in passing the billionaire bonus bill, a.k.a. the overhaul of the U.S. tax code, last December. It was long a dream of Ryan's to reward his one-percenter benefactors =cough= Koch brothers =cough= ("the makers," according to his Ayn Rand philosophical roots) with deep tax cuts.



  1. Now this MF'er will really have time to fellate the Koch Brothers and the rest of his overlords.

  2. Yes, his efforts on their behalf will be well-rewarded. Soulless jackass.

  3. Ryan wants time to spend with his family, I mean money, I mean lawyers. His decision shows that he has sucked the well dry and can also avoid the shame of losing in the election. His departure also shows that he never had control of the party and that the Tea Party bested him in the end. Sure, he got the tax cuts for the rich and got the destruction of Social Security and Medicaid rolling, so there's that legacy.

    Loser, grifter, and soulless bastard.
