Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Reflection - The Future

"The future won't be a retreat into the small and slow and traditional. It won't be about limits and lowered expectations. It will be bigger and faster and smarter, and more and more and more." -- from Infidel 753's reflections on "The Look of the Future."


  1. You have to give Infidel 753 a thanks for the positive heads up. When I think of the future, my pessimism kicks in. Esp during these times.

  2. FM - It's always good to have hope, especially when things look less than hopeful. When you look over history, there've been times for optimism and times for pessimism. They ebb and flow. We have to bring positive energy to these times to overcome Trump & the Repubs' negative energy. It seems to be working in election after election, where we're outperforming previous cycles.

  3. In spite of all the terrible things in the world, which I acknowlege and am not in denial about, I do try to celebrate things for which I am grateful.

    When I was a little girl, I was full of questions, like most kids. I'd ask my dad and he would answer some, but mostly he'd say, “Look it up.” And that helped me become a good reader, it challenged me to learn as much as I could about a lot of different things, and it showed me that if you want something, you have to work for it.

    And so now I'm always looking things up. I love Google and the internet for making it possible to have the most current, the broadest, and the widest variety of choices for answering my questions. Even if all I want to know is if John Astin is still alive. And he is!

  4. Thanks for the cite! I've always been more of an optimist than most because I take the long view -- I'm a big-picture guy. Through all the vicissitudes of politics, technology keeps on progressing, making life better and better for most people regardless of which ideology rules this or that country. As for social issues, just compare the situation of gays, women, the non-religious, and minorities to what it was 40 years ago -- or 400. The trends are clearly in the right direction. There have been setbacks, and Trump is one, but the future will be better than the present.

    For anyone interested in such issues, I recommend Steven Pinker's new book Enlightenment Now, which I'm currently halfway through reading.

  5. donnah - you have a good attitude! Also glad John Astin is still alive!

    Infidel - Agree with your views on trends and the future. I'm in the market for a new book, so I'll check into Pinker's. Thanks to you for your support - it's much appreciated.
