Thursday, April 19, 2018

Trump Called His Divorce Lawyer For "Advice"


This morning, CNN host Chris Cuomo touched on an interesting detail related to the Wall St. Journal story that fraudster and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump called lawyer Jay Goldberg for "advice" about whether his consigliere, Michael "Clown Roy Cohn" Cohen, would start cooperating with the Feds. It's noteworthy that Goldberg is a divorce lawyer who was part of Rump's legal team in his two divorces:
“'One of the president’s long-time legal advisers warns President Trump that Michael Cohen could flip on him as he is facing potential jail time in a criminal investigation. Now that is very, very early on in an analysis. We haven’t had any charges. there is no indictment against Michael Cohen.

So this man, Jay Goldberg, who has worked with the president in the past, two different divorces he’s done,' Cuomo elaborated. 'We must presume he’s a family law specialist and people don’t freelance in divorce work. For some reason he said the president called him for advice. I don’t know what he was asking for advice on, but somehow in that conversation he wound up discussing Michael Cohen and his possibility of flipping. That nobody who is facing 30 years stands up. We don’t know that Michael Cohen is facing that.'”
Clearly, Rump may be trying to gauge whether and how soon Cohen might crack and when to offer a pardon to his made man, so as to undermine the investigation into potential felonies committed by his fixer, either on his own or at Rump's direction.

But it's also fascinating that he'd call a divorce lawyer for "advice" regarding a Federal criminal matter. Could Rump be concerned about whether the prenuptial agreement he signed with his wife might be tossed out with the Stormy/McDougall scandals?  A divorce with a voided prenup and a split of assets more favorable to his wife could cripple his business (which he's never separated himself from). Why else would he call his former divorce lawyer? Remember that the whole issue of non-disclosure agreements and "catch and kill" schemes on Rump's behalf was to conceal his affairs from his wife. If adultery is the "kill" clause in the prenup, he knows he's in a world of hurt.

(photo: President Spanky and the missus, so happy)


  1. What's so weird about all this: why did Goldberg give a 2-hour interview to the WSJ about this? It just doesn't make sense.

  2. Richard -- It doesn't. One weird possibility is that Goldberg is sending a message to Cohen from Trump that he's worried about his "loyalty", and needs some re-assurance. Who knows though.
