Sunday, April 8, 2018

Trump's Fire Trap

Con man and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's Trump Tower in New York City caught fire yesterday, resulting in the the death of a 67 year old resident there. As the linked story notes, the building's residential units are not equipped with sprinkler systems, something that Rump successfully fought:
"President Trump has a complicated history with the life-saving sprinklers the Trump Tower residential quarters lacked during a deadly fire Saturday.

Nearly two decades ago, Trump, then one of the Big Apple’s most prominent real estate moguls, lobbied against Mayor Rudy Giuliani-era legislation that considered whether sprinklers should be installed in all residential buildings after two fatal fires in Brooklyn and Manhattan
Trump called city officials like famed Queens politician Archie Spigner, whose council committee compiled the bill, to argue that sprinklers were too expensive — at $4 per square foot — to install throughout an entire building, the New York Times reported at the time. 
Early talks for the proposed bill suggested that all residential buildings be required to install sprinklers, which irked developers, including Trump. The future president backed off on panning the proposal after it was tweaked to grandfather existing buildings — such as Trump Tower..."  (emphasis added)
It's noteworthy that Rump's first (and so far only) mention of the fire included a borderline sexist complement to the first responders, and to say how well the building was constructed.

Missing was any message of condolence to the victim or his family, concern about the injured firefighters, or even the residents affected by the smoke and water damage. Surprised?


DivaNewYork said...

Over and over and over again with this schmuck.

W. Hackwhacker said...

We should expect nothing less than the worst, right, Diva?