Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Twit Tweet, Thwap

Twit tweet:


For those that weren't aware, yesterday Stormy Daniels' legal team released a sketch of the man that approached her and her daughter in 2011 in a Las Vegas parking lot and threatened her if she didn't "leave Trump alone." Here's the sketch they released (a $100,000 reward is offered for information proving his identity):

You can be certain that unhinged con man and crime family boss Donald "Rump" Trump (a.k.a. President Spanky) either knows who this thug is, or at a minimum, knows who hired him to threaten Daniels. 


  1. Rump wouldn't be screaming like a banshee if he didn't know. And Cohen is just enough of a skeevy little bitch to do the hiring.

  2. Diva -- With $100,000 dangling out there, someone will identify the thug.
