Saturday, May 19, 2018

Mueller Closing In On Degenerate Stone

We know that nothing related to the Mueller investigation has rattled unindicted co-conspirator and Russian supporter Donald "Rump" Trump more than the FBI's search and seizure of documents, telephone and electronic records from his fixer and thug Michael Cohen last month. But that may be about to change. Reports indicate that long-time dirty trickster and Rump confidant Roger Stone, for decades one of the most evil and scurrilous figures in Rethuglican politics, is a major focus of the Special Counsel. A second assistant to Stone, John Kakanis, has been subpoenaed by Mueller's team ostensibly to gain information about Stone's ties to Russian cutout organization WikiLeaks and its founder, the despicable fugitive Julian Assange. From the Reuters report:
"The subpoena handed to Kakanis is the latest development suggesting that Stone, an early Trump backer whose reputation as an aggressive political operative dates back to the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, is being looked at by Mueller. [snip]

Some of Stone’s comments during the elections have prompted questions from investigators in Congress, and others, about whether he had advance knowledge of the Democratic Party material allegedly hacked by Russian intelligence and sent to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who published it." (emphasis added)
Stone is on tape during the run up to the 2016 election as predicting damaging information on Hillary Clinton would be released by Assange's group, which was released shortly thereafter. The link goes directly from Russia's military intelligence arm GRU which hacked the DNC, to WikiLeaks/Assange which received the hacked e-mails, to Stone and the Rump campaign conspiring with them. It's more than smoke, it's fire.

There would be nothing more satisfying, save the removal of the Rump crime family from the White (Supremacist) House, than Stone's indictment and conviction on conspiracy and other charges. He's a cancer on not only politics, but on the things this nation is supposed to stand for.

(photo: A picture's worth a thousand words; swingers Stone and wife.)


  1. On top of his corruption, his willingness to sell out the government, and his friendship with Russians and Manafort, Stone should be in prison for being a huge asshole. Every time I see him dressed up like a character, I mutter under my breath, “What a dick!”

    C'mon, wheels of justice! Roll over this guy!

  2. Anon -- He seems to take perverse pride in his ugliness. For him to serve some serious time in prison would be a delicious thing.

    1. A brilliant, brief observation. To the far right, money makes you beautiful
