By now, we're all too- familiar with the Stormy Daniels affair.
And, to a lesser extent, with the Karen McDougal affair.
And with the 16 women accusers of serial philanderer and sexual assaulter Donald "Rump" Trump.
Here are a few more you may not have heard about, like Barbara Moore:
A Playboy magazine playmate described watching Donald Trump have sex with her best friend in the master bedroom of his Trump Tower residence, the Daily Mail reported Monday.
Only months after her centerfold spread, Miss May 1993 Elke Jeinsen reportedly watched the fornication between Trump and Miss December 1992 centerfold Barbara Moore. [snip]
The affair occurred while Trump’s then-fiancee Marla Maples was pregnant.How about Shera Bechard? Remember that story from last month about Rump pal and Republican money man Elliott Broidy having an affair involving an unwanted pregnancy and the $1.6 million hush money pay out by... Michael Cohen? Paul Campos has a different theory:
... Donald Trump, not Elliott Broidy, had an affair with Shera Bechard. Bechard hired Keith Davidson, who had negotiated both Playboy playmate Karen McDougal’s deal with the National Enquirer, and Stormy Daniels’s NDA with Trump. Davidson called Cohen, and the two of them negotiated a $1.6 million payment to Bechard.Needless to say, these additional shocking revelations of adultery and hush money will cause Rump's mouth- breathing base, especially his evangelical "Christian" supporters, to finally condemn this rotted- out piece of oleaginous blubber.
(Ed. note: We apologize for creating any image in the reader's mind of Rump having sex.)
(Image: From the cover of TIME -- by Tim O'Brien.)
Could this indecent shitpile be any more obscene? Not to mention, having sex without protection is beyond destructive, at-risk behavior. We know the kind of immature sicko Rump is, but what about his partners? Do they think they can't get a disease from a man who practices unprotected sex? What is wrong with these people????
ReplyDeleteDiva - if you searched the world, I don't think you could find a more worthless piece of brainless, self- involved shit than him. Whether it's in politics or in his sexcapades, some people are attracted enough to power, fame and "wealth" that they blind themselves to Rump's utter malignancy.